Today let's make a pillowcase! This ruffled pillow tutorial comes from NatalieCreations and it's easier to make than it looks! If you want to just make a pillow (not a case for a pre-existing pillowform) just cut 3 even squares of fabric. Follow the directions for the front as show, and stitch around 3 sides, leaving the 'bottom' open. In this case, there is no right or wrong way, just decide how you like the pillow to sit. Once you have chosen which is the bottom side, sew up 3/4 of the seam, leaving 1/4 of the total length open. Turn your pillow inside out and stuff with polyfil or some other lovely fluffy stuff. You can also throw a handful of dried lavender, or a few chamomile tea bags to make a scented pillow. Then hand stitch the hole closed, and cuddle up with your new pillow.
Try experimenting with different types of fabric, extra layers, contrasting colors and textures, or changing the direction of the lines to make new patterns. Gift budgets are tight this year, but this pillow is an easy way to give everyone on your list the gift of sweet dreams.
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